• Initial Setup - Microsoft Forms ii.0 Object Library
  • VBA Copy to Clipboard
    • Windows vii and earlier
    • Windows 8 and afterwards
  • Paste from Clipboard
  • Clear y'all Clipboard
  • Final Thoughts

This VBA tutorial will testify you how to re-create text to your clipboard, paste from your clipboard and articulate the contents of your clipboard. These macros piece of work with 32-bit versions Excel, Outlook, Give-and-take and many more Microsoft Role products.

2018 Update: This tutorial has been updated to teach you how to use VBA to copy text to your clipboard in Windows 8 and Windows ten. In this tutorial, I'll present two solutions. The get-go solution uses the Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library to copy text to your clipboard in Windows seven and earlier. With the rollout of Windows 8 and Windows 10, this solution no longer works reliably, so I've presented a second solution that uses Windows API calls to copy and paste using VBA.

Let's take a look at the commencement, and oldest, solution:

Initial Setup

Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library

To gain access to the clipboard methods in the clipboard class in older versions of Windows, you could declare a reference to the Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library by post-obit these steps:

  1. Open your VBA editor.
  2. Click Tools > References.
  3. Check the box next to "Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library."

    Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library

  4. Printing "OK."

One time your initial setup is consummate, insert a module and keep reading to discover how to control your clipboard.

VBA Copy To Clipboard

Solution 1: Windows 7 and earlier

To copy to your clipboard in Windows 7 and earlier, y'all'll demand to first declare a variable every bit type MSForms.DataObject. The DataObject will be the bridge betwixt your data and your clipboard.

Copy Cord to Clipboard

                          Sub              CopyToClipboard              ()              Dim              clipboard              As              MSForms              .              DataObject              Dim              strSample              Every bit              String              Prepare              clipboard              =              New              MSForms              .              DataObject              strSample              =              "This is a sample string"              clipboard              .              SetText              strSample              clipboard              .              PutInClipboard              End              Sub                      

The SetText method is used to shop a string in a DataObject. The string can exist a VBA variable, every bit demonstrated to a higher place, or a prison cell in your worksheet, as demonstrated below. The PutInClipboard method is the magical piece that places the text in your clipboard.

Re-create Cell to Clipboard

                          Sub              CopyToClipboard2              ()              Dim              clipboard              As              MSForms              .              DataObject              Set              clipboard              =              New              MSForms              .              DataObject              clipboard              .              SetText              ActiveSheet              .              Range              (              "B2"              )              clipboard              .              PutInClipboard              End              Sub                      

VBA is pretty skillful at converting your data types to strings before storing them in your clipboard, and then yous don't have to worry about using the CStr role to manually convert.

Although I said this is the solution for Windows 7 and before, the following solution as well works for Windows 7 and earlier. Information technology has the added do good of working for newer versions of Windows, as well.

Solution 2: Windows 8 and Windows 10

In that location's a bit of a bug, if you want to telephone call it that, in Windows 8 and Windows ten that prevents the Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library solution from copying text to your clipboard. The workaround for this is to use Windows API calls, instead. Although intended to be used in newer versions of Windows, this VBA macro volition successfully copy to your clipboard on all versions of Windows.

These macros are much longer than the previous solution, simply they're however easy to use since all yous have to practise is copy and paste. In many ways, this solution is actually easier to utilise considering you don't need to add a reference to the Microsoft Forms two.0 Object Library to add together text to your clipboard! Yous will still need to add the reference to the Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library to paste from your clipboard, so you might also go ahead and add it.

                          #If Mac Then              ' practice nothing              #              Else              #If VBA7 Then              Declare              PtrSafe              Function              GlobalUnlock              Lib              "kernel32"              (              ByVal              hMem              Equally              LongPtr              )              As              LongPtr              Declare              PtrSafe              Function              GlobalLock              Lib              "kernel32"              (              ByVal              hMem              Every bit              LongPtr              )              As              LongPtr              Declare              PtrSafe              Function              GlobalAlloc              Lib              "kernel32"              (              ByVal              wFlags              As              Long              ,              _              ByVal              dwBytes              As              LongPtr              )              As              LongPtr              Declare              PtrSafe              Function              CloseClipboard              Lib              "User32"              ()              As              Long              Declare              PtrSafe              Function              OpenClipboard              Lib              "User32"              (              ByVal              hwnd              As              LongPtr              )              As              LongPtr              Declare              PtrSafe              Function              EmptyClipboard              Lib              "User32"              ()              Every bit              Long              Declare              PtrSafe              Office              lstrcpy              Lib              "kernel32"              (              ByVal              lpString1              Every bit              Any              ,              _              ByVal              lpString2              Every bit              Any              )              As              LongPtr              Declare              PtrSafe              Part              SetClipboardData              Lib              "User32"              (              ByVal              wFormat              _              As              Long              ,              ByVal              hMem              As              LongPtr              )              As              LongPtr              #              Else              Declare              Office              GlobalUnlock              Lib              "kernel32"              (              ByVal              hMem              As              Long              )              As              Long              Declare              Function              GlobalLock              Lib              "kernel32"              (              ByVal              hMem              As              Long              )              Equally              Long              Declare              Role              GlobalAlloc              Lib              "kernel32"              (              ByVal              wFlags              As              Long              ,              _              ByVal              dwBytes              As              Long              )              Equally              Long              Declare              Function              CloseClipboard              Lib              "User32"              ()              As              Long              Declare              Role              OpenClipboard              Lib              "User32"              (              ByVal              hwnd              As              Long              )              As              Long              Declare              Function              EmptyClipboard              Lib              "User32"              ()              As              Long              Declare              Function              lstrcpy              Lib              "kernel32"              (              ByVal              lpString1              As              Any              ,              _              ByVal              lpString2              Equally              Whatsoever              )              As              Long              Declare              Function              SetClipboardData              Lib              "User32"              (              ByVal              wFormat              _              As              Long              ,              ByVal              hMem              As              Long              )              As              Long              #Terminate If              #End If              Public              Const              GHND              =              &              H42              Public              Const              CF_TEXT              =              1              Public              Const              MAXSIZE              =              4096              Sub              ClipBoard_SetData              (              MyString              Every bit              Cord              )              #If Mac Then              With              New              MSForms              .              DataObject              .              SetText              MyString              .              PutInClipboard              End              With              #              Else              #If VBA7 Then              Dim              hGlobalMemory              Equally              LongPtr              Dim              hClipMemory              Equally              LongPtr              Dim              lpGlobalMemory              Equally              LongPtr              #              Else              Dim              hGlobalMemory              As              Long              Dim              hClipMemory              Equally              Long              Dim              lpGlobalMemory              As              Long              #End If              Dim              x              As              Long              ' Allocate moveable global memory.              '-------------------------------------------              hGlobalMemory              =              GlobalAlloc              (              GHND              ,              Len              (              MyString              )              +              i              )              ' Lock the cake to get a far pointer              ' to this retention.              lpGlobalMemory              =              GlobalLock              (              hGlobalMemory              )              ' Copy the string to this global retentiveness.              lpGlobalMemory              =              lstrcpy              (              lpGlobalMemory              ,              MyString              )              ' Unlock the memory.              If              GlobalUnlock              (              hGlobalMemory              )              <>              0              Then              MsgBox              "Could not unlock memory location. Copy aborted."              GoTo              PrepareToClose              End              If              ' Open the Clipboard to copy information to.              If              OpenClipboard              (              0              &              )              =              0              Then              MsgBox              "Could non open the Clipboard. Re-create aborted."              Get out              Sub              Cease              If              ' Clear the Clipboard.              x              =              EmptyClipboard              ()              ' Copy the data to the Clipboard.              hClipMemory              =              SetClipboardData              (              CF_TEXT              ,              hGlobalMemory              )              PrepareToClose              :              If              CloseClipboard              ()              =              0              Then              MsgBox              "Could not close Clipboard."              Cease              If              #End If              Terminate              Sub                      

Make powerful macros with our free VBA Programmer Kit

It's piece of cake to re-create and paste a macro like this, merely it's harder make one on your own. To help you lot brand macros like this, we built a free VBA Developer Kit and wrote the Big Book of Excel VBA Macros total of hundreds of pre-congenital macros to help you lot principal file I/O, arrays, strings and more than - catch your free copy below.

To actually place text on you clipboard, you would just pass the ClipBoard_SetData macro an statement containing the string you want to store in your clipboard, like this:

                          Sub              CopyToClipBoardWindows10              ()              ClipBoard_SetData              "This is a sample string"              End              Sub                      

This solution was adapted from a macro I saw here.

VBA Paste from Clipboard

One time you know how to copy, pasting is cinch. The syntax is practically identical to the Windows 7 copy examples shown before. Have a look.

Call back Clipboard Content

                          Sub              PasteFromClipboard3              ()              Dim              clipboard              As              MSForms              .              DataObject              Dim              str1              As              String              Prepare              clipboard              =              New              MSForms              .              DataObject              clipboard              .              GetFromClipboard              str1              =              clipboard              .              GetText              End              Sub                      

The GetFromClipboard method takes information from your clipboard and stores the data in the DataObject. The GetText method takes the cord from the DataObject and puts it in your string variable - in this example, in the string variable str1. Y'all successfully pasted the content of your clipboard to a string variable that can be manipulated inside your VBA macro.

VBA Clear Clipboard

How do you articulate the content stored in the clipboard, y'all ask? There are several means to clear your clipboard. The simplest is to fix your clipboard equal to an empty string.

Gear up Clipboard to Empty String

Windows seven and earlier

                          Sub              ClearClipboard              ()              Dim              clipboard              As              MSForms              .              DataObject              Set              clipboard              =              New              MSForms              .              DataObject              clipboard              .              SetText              ""              clipboard              .              PutInClipboard              End              Sub                      

Windows 8 and later

                          Sub              ClearClipboard2              ()              ClipBoard_SetData              ""              Finish              Sub                      

A more thorough way of clearing your clipboard with VBA is to utilise our skilful friend, the user32 library.

Clear Entire Clipboard Contents

                          '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!              'These first three declarations are merely needed if yous used Solution one              '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!              Private              Declare              Function              OpenClipboard              Lib              "user32"              (              ByVal              hwnd              As              Long              )              Equally              Long              Private              Declare              Function              EmptyClipboard              Lib              "user32"              ()              As              Long              Private              Declare              Part              CloseClipboard              Lib              "user32"              ()              As              Long              Sub              ClearClipboard3              ()              OpenClipboard              (              0              &              )              EmptyClipboard              CloseClipboard              End              Sub                      

If yous're a long-time follower of the wellsr.com VBA weblog, you'll recognize user32. It's a staple of computer automation, and I've showcased it in several tutorials. In add-on to decision-making your clipboard, user32.dll can be used to movement your mouse and activate windows.

Annotation, the Individual declarations must be pasted at the very pinnacle of your module, before any procedures. If you lot already pasted the big "Solution two" macro for copying and pasting to your clipboard, you won't need to add together the Private declarations again, since they're already there.

Final Thoughts

The power to control your clipboard is a powerful feature of VBA. Y'all can use it to automate complex tasks. For example, in my nuclear engineering career, I regularly piece of work with large ASCII files on UNIX machines. I'll copy the text to my clipboard, run a VBA macro on Windows to perform string manipulation on the text, then store the last content in my desired format back to my clipboard. I'll and so apply this newly formatted cord to continue my work on the UNIX boxes. Clipboard manipulation makes for a wonderful mail service-processor!

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