
How To Skip Assassins Creed Credits

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  • #51
Even worse: "before in The Walking Dead/Life Is Strange/etc..."

I get it, it's episodic, but I'm playing the complete edition!

  • #52
Ubisoft credits are what you see when you dice.

Hardcore way in Divison 2. Can't reload until you've viewed every studio that worked on it. ;)

Real talk, respect the credits. But also existent talk, Ubisoft games are productions. These aren't made by teams. They're made by virtual cities of people.

  • #53
What if I don't care nigh who made the game?
I acknowledge them past paying for their product. This is what they deserve. I don't intendance about their names. Why should I?
It'south not just for you. I know someone who shows his kid his name at the end of a game that he was involved in. Call back about his feelings when only to shorten the credits they don't evidence his proper name.

Edit: However, I exercise hold that they should be skippable at the viewer's pick

  • #54
I become that it's annoying to not be able to skip it, but I think its completely advisable for developers to desire everybody who contributed to a game to be acknowledged
Just rethink credits. Give them their own department in the options or plough them into a manually controlled slide. Give the user the ability to coil through at their own pace.

I know for me, sometimes, if I'm in the mood to read credits, some games play them too fast and I end up missing a section. Permit me linger, roll through, or slide dorsum at my own pace.

  • #55
The end credits for FFXIV: A Realm Reborn are like an hour an a half long, for real. They credited every unmarried person who was nevertheless subscribed to the awful original launch version of the game in the "special thanks" section. It was something like 30,000 names.

I allow information technology all play out because I idea in that location might be more story after the credits that I didn't want to miss. There was, but it was 2 dissever cutscenes and I could have skipped the credits and non missed the story. Sucks to exist me.

  • #57
So just quit the game? Once you got the end credits there'due south no reason for you to stick around if you lot don't desire to. The game is over. People don't complain about credits in movies.
Crow Pudding
  • #58
Can you save your progress on credits gyre?
  • #59
I, also, think Black Flag is so immaculate that the only thing I tin complain about is how long the credits are.
  • #60
I get that information technology's annoying to non be able to skip information technology, but I recall its completely appropriate for developers to want everybody who contributed to a game to be best-selling
yeah, this is how i feel besides

I never understood this justification for making credits unskippable.

Being listed in the credits is the acknowledgement. I've contributed to a variety of projects and that's pretty much been the standard for all of them. There really isn't whatsoever expectation of forcing every user/viewer/reader/etc to get through all of them, and the examples in other industries generally stem from technological limitations.

Making them unskippable doesn't accomplish anything. People who would adopt to skip the credits are almost guaranteed to not pay attending. Unless yous go total Clockwork Orange, yous're non getting any additional acknowledgement from your customers. You're merely wasting their time and making them resent the credits.

  • #61
Yes, unskippable uninteractive credits are a poor choice. Everyone should be credited for their piece of work on these projects. Credits sequences shouldn't lock upwards a piece of running electronics for the better part of an 60 minutes while no one pays attention.
  • #62
The last time I finished a game out of Ubisoft was Rayman Legends in its original Wii U incarnation. You get to control Rayman and play a little aimless minigame during the credits, which seemed like no big bargain to me when it started, as we've seen this ofttimes before in Kirby or Mario. Nada special, just moving the graphic symbol and corking the letters in the roll. There couldn't be much more ahead, could there—so I just sat and played through the credits... and played... and played.

Xx minutes is how I remember it. Lesson learned.

  • #63
Just rethink credits. Give them their own section in the options or plow them into a manually controlled slide. Give the user the ability to scroll through at their ain pace.

I know for me, sometimes, if I'm in the mood to read credits, some games play them too fast and I end up missing a section. Permit me linger, curlicue through, or slide dorsum at my own pace.

This. Game credits are implemented So terribly. I frequently seek out the credits in games and and so give up to encounter if they are listed online anywhere. Let me cycle between sections and control the scrolling.
Baji Boxer
  • #64
lets go real here 30 minutes later nobody is gonna remember whatever of those names unless they are the director or producer of the game possibly. imagine not being able to leave the theater until later on the credits for the motion picture was over.
You're not trapped by the credits, but shut the game down lol.
Why "and then only quit the game" is not a viable selection
  • #65
Y'all're not trapped past the credits, just shut the game down lol.

This can lead to bug with NG+, save games, achievements, unlockables, etc that are often triggered after the credits.

This solution is fine when y'all tin assume y'all won't lose anything but with games, yous often can't.

  • #66
This. Game credits are implemented Then terribly. I oft seek out the credits in games so give up to see if they are listed online anywhere. Let me bicycle between sections and control the scrolling.
And if the credits are tied in with videos and music, and so let them shift and skip as needed in one case the user takes manual command.

Certain, information technology might lead to less elaborate credits, only whatever.

The exception should be fighting games and trounce em ups; they should take the Street Fighter Ex 3 road and turn the credit scene into a beat em up, but with all of the enemies beingness the teams of people who worked on a specific component, with the team leader being the boss enemy.

Like that, but with lifebars and more unique enemy models.

  • #67
This can atomic number 82 to issues with NG+, save games, achievements, unlockables, etc that are often triggered later the credits.

This solution is fine when you tin can assume yous won't lose anything but with games, you often can't.

Precisely. I am genuiely surprised at the "developers deserve to be acknowledged" people in hither. I paid for the product, didn't I? All I wanted to exercise is play an 60 minutes of the game earlier going to bed. I spent 15 minutes playing the game, about 10 minutes watching cutscenes and nearly 30 minutes having the credits roll. Credit where credit is due, merely information technology's merely a petty abrasive to have your electronic device basically being held hostage for half an hour past the credits sequence. And I am not going to shut downwards the game prematurely and take chances starting the thing all over once again.
  • #68
I don't remember them being that long. I usually but go on my phone or computer or maybe grab a snack if it takes besides long though. It's dainty to highlight people who helped develop the game. I imagine it would feel pretty cool to have your name or the name of someone you lot know shown and recognized.
  • #69
This can lead to problems with NG+, save games, achievements, unlockables, etc that are ofttimes triggered after the credits.

This solution is fine when y'all can assume you won't lose anything but with games, you often can't.

Yes, it's awful.

I ordinarily let it rolling and get drink some water or to the bath.

  • #70
I'k oftentimes astounded by simply how many people are involved in the making of a big game. I just recollect of each person drawing a salary and the numbers must exist astronomical. No wonder budgets are so high these days, information technology'due south a wonder games make any coin at all.
  • #71
What if I don't care about who made the game?
I admit them past paying for their product. This is what they deserve. I don't intendance about their names. Why should I?

Absolutely nobody is forcing y'all to sit through those credits. Quit the game and that's it.
  • #73
I'g oft astounded past but how many people are involved in the making of a big game. I just think of each person drawing a salary and the numbers must be astronomical. No wonder budgets are then loftier these days, it's a wonder games make whatsoever more at all.

To be fair, lot of people work on the project for few months, a twelvemonth at most in dissimilar stages of developement.
  • #74
I lived through the full credits of GTA V ... it was more an hour iirc
the first minute or and so is unskip-able, so i assumed information technology would be all unskip-able ...

It'due south ok, iirc i played Magic the Gathering on the side on x360 while information technology lasted xD

There was a shmup in Nier Automata end credits... i didn't skip these credits ! (i destroyed them)

  • #75
i don't mind long credits sequences, merely jesus ubisoft games have long ones.
  • #76
I like to reverberate on a game or movie for a bit after it's over, and so the credits ever experience similar a nifty chance to practice that while also taking the time to appreciate the fourth dimension and endeavor that went into making information technology. What helps a lot is if the credits are treated every bit something to enjoy in itself rather than something that is included merely for legal reasons.

Case in betoken:

  • #77
Credits should not be longer than 10 minutes and take some interesting art and music if they desire me to watch them. If you desire to admit the squad and people that fabricated the game possible then brand it engaging, similar a mini documentary or behind the scenes. Not 30 minutes of rolling text over black. At least don't make it unskippable...

Hell yes. Reminds me of something similar this:
  • #78
It's too incredibly annoying when the credits for the original developers are buried beneath 100 staff members involved in a port.

I want to see the developer staff first, merely often you take to get in part so many people from the publisher.

  • #79
Just end chirapsia games.

Problem solved.

  • #fourscore
Wait until yous play Death Stranding...
Apple and Oranges don't you recall.
DS credits aren't actually credits, it tells a story between information technology.


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  • #81
Yous won't believe how long the Scott Pilgrim credits are.
  • #82
You should watch them and appreciate everybody who worked on the game.
  • #83
Many games that got kicking-started have this result, they tend to have an enormous listing of backers at the end that just never ends. I go wanting to appreciate developers, but I do not intendance that XX_blazeitvegita_XX payed the 40 bucks tier for this game.


Saw the truth backside the copied door
  • #84
Yeah it's annoying af. They should be skippable.
Pick up a book. Thirty minutes isn't gonna kill ya.
Ok boomer
  • #85
I don't remember Armored Cadre 4'southward credits being that long.
  • #86
Aren't buying and finishing the game they adult an ultimate human activity of showing respect already?

I don't really get why information technology has to be unskippable. It's not like anyone will really pay more attending to it.

  • #87
Many games that got kick-started accept this effect, they tend to have an enormous list of backers at the cease that just never ends. I get wanting to capeesh developers, but I exercise non care that XX_blazeitvegita_XX payed the 40 bucks tier for this game.
I couldn't even pay attention to run into my own proper name scroll past in Shenmue iii.
  • #88
I remember getting an achievement for watching the whole credits for Guitar Hero. Expert times.
Blade Wolf
  • #89
I savour terminate credits in games cause I get to laugh at a few funny names like butts
  • #90
Yeah, this sucks. I remember Black Flag's credits being peculiarly egregious, it didn't help that I didn't like the game.
  • #91
What surprises me most this credits is that after 10 minutes every team member and every person that Really worked on the game from freelance and studios abroad (and localization teams and voice actors for every country) is already mentioned. The residue 20-30 minutes its marketing teams and, higher ups from ubisoft, the guys of a company that gave them the code for the codec to bear witness the FMV, and even the guy that cleaned toilets.
Its absurd.

And other games non even mentioning those people or being fast about it, fifty-fifty on the bigger games, tell me the can be out of the credits or only accept some second optional credits that can be accesed on themain menu.

  • #92
The best video game credits are in the form of their own self-contained video game. If it's the kind that has loftier replay value even ameliorate. Melee's credit score set on was the goat and it actually fabricated me more invested in the people behind the production.
  • #93
Never had a problem with unskippable credits.
Usually but lookout man them for a minute or so and afterwards that I'll but browse my telephone while listening to the music or just reflect on whatever game I just finished.


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  • #94
Video games are an interactive medium. There are more creative ways of handling credits than just forcing the player to sit and watch scrolling credits. Non even film or Goggle box make you do that now that you can just fast forward at dwelling house.

Put credits as an selection of the menu so people who need them can go to them. Call back that video games are products, we paid for them. That'due south all the tribute the developers need. I don't need to read each individual proper noun.

Era of not Yakuza
  • #95
Information technology'due south not virtually the destination
It's most the journey
  • #96
Decease Stranding is still got my least favourite credits sequence in any game to date. Because its unskippable. And you get two lots of credits (on in the middle of a fucking chapter). I loved almost all of that game only wanted to smack whoever did that credits thing upside the caput.

Ubisoft is simply bad for all its games, Rayman Legends (or was information technology Origins) has a super long credits sequence too, I skipped it in the end (I was simply sitting through it because I similar to practice that for any games I really dear, but information technology felt like it went on forever...)

On the other side of the scale, Doom (2016) has an awesome set up of credits (backed with a fantastic piece of music) so I really enjoyed watching those. Yakuza also tends to have decent credits thanks to the music, and them only last a couple of minutes. Most other games I just skip credits outright.

Shining Star
  • #97
Why not get upwardly and practices your chaînés while they run?
  • #98
Honestly, if they started putting concept fine art in the credits I'd be pretty happy with that. Depending on the tone of the game, some bloopers might be groovy too.

It'southward better than white text over black screen. At least Blackness Flag had a really nice ending that was somewhat built into the credits though.

Overall, I think my favorite credit'south are ones from Devil May Cry and Bayonetta, where y'all're able to play while watching.

  • #99
I just turn the game off and skim through the credits on YouTube to check I didn't miss whatever post-credits scenes.
  • #100
First game was like xx min or so - hated the credits lol.


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